29 April 2010

Cupcakes, Cupcakes and Last Day of Labor and Delivery

Last day of Labor and Delivery, yes?
Yes, it's true. Last day of pushing, C-sections, and second old infants. It's sad and exciting, all at the same time. In honor of this momentous moment.....CUPCAKES, in baby colours (and yes, that colours with a u because it's correct), or more like pastel colours because I never know how much gel food colouring to put in. Devil's food, buttercream, and an array of the rainbow. I would like to thank my lovely roommate white bread for the artistic contribution and photography. Let's hope those nurses enjoy my hard work, or the work I did to avoid school work. Let's just say that baking provides a solstice from real life. For those few moments that I get to whisk, pour and decorate, my mind is blank and I think of nothing. I really enjoy that these days. Let's hope more of those times will come soon.
Baby Green, Baby Blue, Baby Pink and Baby Yellow, come into the world and eat a cupcake....it's delicious.
Nomad Wannabe

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