02 June 2010

Dried fruity nutty bars.

If you've ever met me, you know I am Cheapy McCheaperson. I love saving money. That's not to say I don't love spending it, too--just I like spending it on long lasting things, like clothes...shoes...beauty products...instead of going out to dinner all willy nilly or buying ice cream from fancy stores instead of Safeway. So, when I discovered Larabars and their overwhelming, wait for it, six ingredients, I thought to myself, I can make that too! So I did. It took me an entire week to track down dates, since Safeway and Trader Joe's didn't carry them. But finally, today, I found them at Whole Foods.  And off to the food processor I went.

(Pardon my photos, there is no natural light in my house at 8:30pm...obviously.)

Ingredients (very scientifically measured out):
14 dates
1/8 cup raisins
3 dried apple slices
8 almonds
A sprinkling of cinnamon
(The actual bars contain walnuts as well, but I'm okay without them.)

Combine in food processor and blend.

Using plastic wrap, smoosh together (again, scientific I am) into something resembling a bar shape. Eat.

As unappetizing as they look, they taste exactly like the real thing! I'm not strong enough to compress the bars the way the factory does with all their robots and such, but whatever, I'll eat it with a spoon if I have to.

Next on the agenda: Catch up on Real Housewives.  I can't wait to find out if Caroline bought some bad ham for the kids to play the ham game with.

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