23 May 2010

Warning: these are not your mom's regular chocolate chip cookies

So after being home from school for a week, I finally had a free day. What do I do on a free day you might ask? Bake! I know that my roommates have been waiting for me to make my first blog entry, so I decided that today would be the day.

As promised, I finally made these Nutella chocolate chip cookies. Of course my first blog entry had to include this chocolate-hazelnut goodness. I swear I eat so much of this stuff I would bleed out Nutella if I could.

My roommate sent me the link to this recipe about a month ago and since then I couldn’t stop thinking about these cookies. It was just a matter of time of when I was going to make them.

The preparation wasn’t difficult at all, just your average chocolate chip cookie recipe…or so I thought. When it came down to measuring and mixing in the Nutella, I really had to put some effort in it. (I was too lazy to get the mixer out). And measuring? What measuring? If I had it my way, I’d dump the whole jar in the bowl. I had to scoop the Nutella out of the jar to measure it out. In all honesty, it wasn’t a pretty site. There was chocolate spread everywhere. On the counter, on body parts, you get the idea. My least favorite part was waiting for the dough to chill. I’m a very impatient person and waiting around for dough is not fun.

The end product is all that mattered. The cookie looks and tastes absolutely delicious. It came out just as the recipe promised, slightly crispy on its edges, but moist and chocolately in the middle. I only wish my roommates (especially the other one who doesn’t eat gluten products) were here to enjoy them with me.

Happy eating!

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